ATA/FECAVA/FVE Webinar on air transport of brachiocephalic pets
The jointly organised webinar by the animal transport association (ATA), FECAVA and FVE was held on 1 April 2021. The webinar focused on transporting bracheocephalic dogs (or short-nose dogs) by air. Thousands of pets are shipped annually by air. To ensure successful transport for the special needs of the brachiocephalic pet, the webinar reviewed the health and welfare of travel, best practices and regulation in flight and other recommendations for transporting these pets. It became clear during the webinar that flying bracheocephalic animals is very risky, for which reason many airlines no longer want to transport these animals.
Session I: Presentations
All presentations can be found underneath!
17:00: Opening remarks from the Animal Transportation Association (ATA), the European Federation of Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA), and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE)
17:10: Presentation – Health and welfare concerns around traveling with brachycephalic dogs by Monique Megens, Monique Megens Consulting
17:30: Presentation – Procedures, practices and rules of pet shipping companies in respect to travelling with bracheocephalics by Carlein van der Beek, Pet Air GmbH
17:45: Presentation – Real-world examples of air-transport with bracheocephalics by Jeff Segers, IFA Skyfast
Session II: Interactive panel discussion from 18:00-18:30
Panel members:
- Monique Megens, Monique Megens Consulting
- Carlein van der Beek, Pet Air GmbH
- Jeff Segers, IFA Skyfast
- Petra Sindern, Vice-President of the German Veterinary Practitioners Association (bpt) and Member of the Small Animal and of the Defect Breed working group of the German Association of Veterinary Chambers (BTK).
Moderation: Torill Moseng, FVE Vice-President and President of the Norwegian Veterinary Association
18:30: Closing remarks
Attached you can see the bio’s of the speakers and panel members and the presentations.