Since 2012, the European Pollinator Week has been held annually at the European Parliament. This event provides a vital platform for stakeholders to convene and share perspectives. Representatives from European and national institutions dedicated to the pollinator and beekeeping sectors, farmers, NGOs, and scientists from all disciplines related to bees, beekeeping and biodiversity come together.

The overall aim is to discuss the pressing challenges facing these sectors and to propose recommendations for policymakers. The European Pollinator Week is also dedicated to raising awareness, ensuring that pollinator health and the beekeeping sector remain prominent topics on the European agenda.

A special satellite event will take place on 29 November hosted by the Copa Cogeca.

When? Wednesday 29 November 2023
What time? 13h30-15h00 CET
Where? Copa – Cogeca, Room A; 61, Rue de Trèves, B – 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium.
It will be a HYBRID event.

Register to the satellite event click HERE

Being FVE member of the Advisory Group of the B-THENET project, Despoina Iatridou on behalf of FVE will give a special speech on the use of Veterinary Medicinal Products in EU.

More info on the Pllinator Week
Click HERE  – Register to the Pollinator week HERE