Brussels, 23 June 2022
FVE congratulates the European Parliament’s firm support of a true One Health approach and reiterate their trust in the institutional expertise of the European Union.
European Parliament sustains their trust in the scientific assessment of the EU’s Agencies and rejects the motion for objection.
Despite continued attempts by some MEPs to undermine the scientific assessment of the EU’s agencies and to restrict life-saving treatments to animals, the European Parliament plenary again voted against this motion, sustaining their trust in the EU procedures and scientific assessment of the EU Agencies. Public health cannot be ensured if animal health and welfare are at risk.
The veterinary profession across Europe, together with other animal health sector actors, have immediately warned about the detrimental impact this motion would have. The motion for an objection would not only endanger the health of animals and people but also jeopardise the fight against antimicrobial resistance. FVE congratulates all MEPs, who voted against the motion, for their trust put in the scientific assessment by the EU agencies and for their commitment to fighting antimicrobial resistance based on One Health, by truly promoting the prudent and responsible use of antibiotics in the interest of animal health, food safety, food security, public health, and the environment.
FVE will continue to work in close collaboration with all key stakeholders in human and animal health sectors to ensure the true implementation of the One Health approach in practice. Further to this, we commit to supporting policymakers in the European Parliament and all EU Institutions with our science-based expertise and by remaining attached to our mission, which is to protect animal health and welfare, human health and the environment.
“Veterinarians know, care and contribute”
Notes to Editors
The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) is an umbrella organisation of veterinary organisations from 39 European countries, representing a total of around 300 000 veterinarians.
The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) strives to promote animal health, animal welfare and public health across Europe. For further information, consult the FVE website FVE Secretariat on Tel +32 2 533 70 20 or by e-mail to