EPRUMA members call the EU Parliament ENVI committee for their support to endorse the draft Commission delegated regulation (DEA 2021/2718) on “Criteria for the designation of antimicrobials to be reserved for the treatment of certain infections in humans” scheduled to be discussed in the ENVI Committee on Monday 28 June 2021.

EPRUMA call for support is based on the following 5 arguments:

  1. Science based decision making
    The European Medicines Agency scientific advice takes into account both the WHO and the OIE, but importantly also has adapted advice to the European health and resistance situation. The Delegated act is based on EMA’s scientific advice and should not be challenged.
  2. Proportionality
    Banning authorised antimicrobials for animals without any scientific argument and science-based reasons is counter-productive and increases potential risks.
  3. Responsible use
    It needs to be reiterated that the ultimate target is the reduction of levels of antimicrobial resistance.
  4. Animal health and welfare
    Imposing additional restrictions without robust scientific arguments and going beyond the defined criteria in the delegated act, will cause significant animal health and welfare problems as certain bacterial infections would no longer be able to be treated.
  5. One Health
    Antimicrobial resistance is threatening public health and our society. To combat it, a ‘One Health’ approach is needed as human health, animal health and the environment are all interlinked. Actions in one sector alone cannot solve this problem, as recognised also by the ‘EC One Health AMR Action Plan’.