The European Commission just published the Commission adopted implementing regulation on the use of antimicrobials under the cascade, listing which antimicrobials cannot be used under the cascade and which are only be able to use under certain conditions.

As the cascade is extremely important for veterinarians, being our safety net when no authorised products are available, FVE, through the FVE/UEVP medicines Working Group, followed the whole process of the development of this implementing act very closely and gave input in every step. FVE welcomes the final adopted act as it takes into consideration the scientific advice of the European Medicines Agency and takes a balanced approach between protecting public and animal health. It also allows to make professionally justified choices to treat animals including uses in accordance with Articles 112 and 113 of Regulation (EU) 2019/6. The act requires antibiograms to be performed before treating with certain antimicrobials. FVE is now further working with the European institutions on more guidance regarding antibiograms. Special European Medicines Agency/FVE webinars are also planned on the new cascade rules later this year.