Implementation of One Health in undergraduate education
Veterinarians, doctors, dentists and pharmacists working together from curricula to practice The European organisations...
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The European veterinary profession remains united
Brussels - London, 31 January 2020 The UK is leaving the European Union, but the European veterinary profession remains...
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EU revised categorisation of antibiotics published
The European Medicines Agency just published the revised categorisation of antibiotics for animal use This listing is...
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MSD Animal Health & FVE: inspiring veterinarians of the future!
MSD Animal Health and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe are delighted to announce that 36 students out of 161...
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Help the Australia fires!
Our hearts go out to the many people, animals, and the environment impacted by the heavy fires in Australia Many Australian...
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Veterinarians are committed to fight ASF
The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) and European Association Porcine Health Management (EAPHM) welcomes the...
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