In November 2020, the FVE general assembly adopted its 5 years new strategy (2021-2025).
The strategic goals have been worked out and put in an action plan detailing timelines, milestones and delivery targets.
Here below, FVE presents its activity report (Nov 2020 – Jun 2021) where you can find all the activities, position papers and press releases, webinars and online meetings and actions taken so far.
Message from Rens van Dobbendurgh, FVE President:
Veterinarians are social beings, and therefore we had very much hoped to be able to meet in person again in the beautiful London, UK. Instead – for the third time – our FVE General Assembly will be virtual. Virtual meetings mean shorter time to meet and shorter time for presentations and discussions.
While maybe the world stood still a bit during this pandemic, this was not at all the case with FVE. Quickly we re-organised our work, doing all our meetings virtual and by teleworking, but quickly we had more meetings than ever, often back-to-back. Despite the many sorrows the pandemic brought, one good thing clearly came from it; the recognition that a ‘One Health’ approach is indispensable.
In the report underneath, you can find an overview of the most important topics FVE worked on and our realisations and achievements. My explicit thanks go to my colleagues in the Board and staff, all our members and the experts giving their expertise and time to FVE.