Since years FVE is promoting responsible and prudent use of antibiotics. To give guidance on how this can be achieved, FVE has produced several guidelines or leaflet. Some of these leaflets are made in cooperation with other organisations.
Guidelines/leaflets on responsible use produced:
- FVE, CPME and CED on responsible use of antibiotics for the public
- FVE, CPME and CED on responsible use of antibiotics for the health professionals
- FVE/COPA-COGECA leaflet on responsible use of antibiotics with advice for farmers
- FVE/FECAVA leaflet on responsible use of antibiotics with advice for companion animals owners (available in many languages)
- FVE/FEEVA leaflet on responsible use of antibiotics with advice for horse owners (EN, DE, LV)
- FVE leaflet on responsible use of antibiotics for the public (available in all EU languages)
- FVE leaflet on responsible use of antibiotics for veterinarians (available in all EU languages)
We can only combat antimicrobial resistance using a ‘One Health’ approach, involving all fields where antibiotics are used such as in human and veterinary medicine and in agriculture.” says Rafael Laguens, President of FVE. “Therefore FVE works together with many associations to promote responsible use of medicines and in particular antibiotics.”