The new FVE strategy 2021-2025 is here available.

“Veterinarians know, care and contribute”

It was developed under the extraordinary circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic and adopted in November unanimously by the FVE members.

Rens van Dobbenburgh, FVE President says: “If one thing is clear from Covid-19, it’s the importance of One Health: the interconnected health of people, animals and ecosystems. To tackle challenges like the current pandemic effectively, a cross-sectoral and trans-disciplinary One Health approach is crucial. This is reflected in our new Strategy.”

More than ever, the European veterinary profession needs to look beyond the immediate health of animals and people, and consider the larger picture that lies behind single health issues. The Strategy underlines how the veterinary profession contributes to the health and well-being of animals and people but equally towards wider societal expectations and goals.

The five priorities set in the strategy are:
– Promoting One Health and sustainability;
– Reinforcing the veterinary community:
– Increase our recognition and appreciation;
– Monitoring veterinary demography and promoting rewarding careers;
– Embracing technology

Nancy De Briyne, Executive Director of FVE, adds: “As FVE, we thank everyone, within and outside FVE, who has helped develop this strategy. We hope you find it inspiring and motivating. With this strong strategy, we will continue to champion our great profession. We trust that working together and in partnership, we can deliver its goals.