Directive 2006/123/EC on services and Directive 2005/36/EC on professional qualifications are complementary instruments dealing with different matters. Consequently, for matters not relating to professional qualifications, the ‘services directive’ applies to those regulated professions that fall within its scope.
The system of recognition of qualifications entails 3 systems of recognition:
- automatic recognition – for professions with harmonised minimum training conditions (i.e. nurses, midwifes, doctors (basic medical training, general practitioners and specialists), dental practitioners, pharmacists, architects and veterinary surgeons);
- general system – for other regulated professions such as teachers, translators and real estate agents;
- automatic recognition on the basis of professional experience – for certain professional activities such as carpenters, upholsterers, beauticians etc.
According to the BREXIT agreement, veterinary surgeons from EAEVE-approved or accredited schools may apply to register with the RCVS, the UK statutory body, providing the school was approved or accredited at the time that you gained your qualification.
Read the RCVS guidance HERE