MSD Animal Health & FVE: inspiring veterinarians of the future!

MSD Animal Health and the Federation of Veterinarians of Europe are delighted to announce that 36 students out of 161 applicants, from all over Europe, have been carefully chosen for the 2019 Veterinary Student Scholarship Program.

The Review Committee selected 36 excellent students from Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Each of the students will be granted a scholarship of $5,000 US dollars to boost their academic experience.

FVE aims to empower and move forward the career of veterinary students in Europe, preparing them for the future job market. Outcomes from the FVE veterinary survey, supported by MSD Animal Health Europe, highlight the need for this. FVE cherishes the collaboration with MSD Animal Health, as all these opportunities represent an investment in the future of the veterinary profession”, said FVE President Rens van Dobbenburgh.

As a company committed to The Science of Healthier Animals®, we regard the important role that veterinarians play as a true cornerstone of animal health,” said Dr. Hans-Guenther Dittrich, Senior Vice President, Europe, Russia, North Africa, Middle East region, MSD Animal Health. “We’re honored to continue this partnership and support these recipients, as the work they will do throughout their careers will ensure the well-being of both companion and large animals.”

Animal health, animal welfare and public health are at the core of the veterinary profession and MSD Animal Health and FVE will stay committed to strengthen their partnership and empower future veterinarians.

FVE wish to thank the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and the International Veterinary Students’ Association (IVSA) for their support.