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Position Papers
FVE calls to ensure better animal welfare during animal transport
The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) is concerned about serious animal welfare issues related to the...
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Vet Futures brochure & action plan
The FVE Vet Futures project identified via introspection and reflection, how to improve and shape the future of the European...
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Use of medicines in the absence of authorised products.
In the absence of veterinary medicinal products authorised in a country for the relevant animal species and indications for...
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Q&A: rules for pet travel and pet passports
Are you planning to travel with your dog or cat In that case, have a look at this document which tries to answer the main...
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Relationship animal welfare and antibiotic use in food animals
Antibiotic resistance is a very serious threat to human and animal health It can only be tackled by an international...
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‘Health and welfare should go before looks’, vets urge
This position paper developed by FECAVA, the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations, and FVE, and...
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