FVE made in 2015 a report which for the first time allows to compare veterinary demographic, labour market and financial indicators between European Countries. The report is based on the replies of over 13,000 veterinarians from 24 FVE member countries. A follow -up report will follow in 2019.
Some main outcomes:
- our profession is a young profession, with 44 % of veterinarians aged under 40
- currently about half the veterinarians are male and female, but the profession is becoming more female
- veterinarians are satisfied with their profession, but less with their earnings; which are low compared to similar professions. Average earnings remain unequal, with female veterinarians earning 28% less.
- most practices are small: 25% are 1-person practices, 20% 2-person practices and only 4% employ more than 30 people.
Similar reports you can find here-under are:
- FVE-IVSA veterinary students survey 2015
- EVERI-ESLAV task force report on professional pathways
- In addition, the AVMA demography and economic reports- you can find here