Both clinical and non-clinical veterinarians activities, working collaboratively with others, impact directly and indirectly on animals, people, plants and environment they live and share.
Veterinarians’ role deals with:
- Negotiating, drafting and upholding necessary legislation and international standards, including sustainable policy development, implementation, review and risk analysis (risk management, assessment and communication)
- Global food security (quantity, quality and safety) and consumer protection
- Cutting edge science, discovery and teaching
- Protecting public health and animal health by officially controlling diseases relevant to public health and animal health (One Health) and protecting animal welfare. Protection from fraudulent activities
- Facilitating economic growth (small & large businesses) through sustainable farm/ food production, trade (certification) of animals and Products of Animal Origin (POAO)
- Preserving diverse production (rare breeds, traditional food production)
- Communicating important messages to interested parties: public and animal keepers (food producing and companion), industry (agri-food and others), politicians, civil servants, other scientists/ professions (lawyers, economists, medics, animal scientists, environmentalists, microbiologists, statisticians etc.)