Both clinical and non-clinical veterinarians activities, working collaboratively with others, impact directly and indirectly on animals, people, plants and environment they live and share.

Veterinarians’ role deals with:

  1. Negotiating, drafting and upholding necessary legislation and international standards, including sustainable policy development, implementation, review and risk analysis (risk management, assessment and communication)
  2. Global food security (quantity, quality and safety) and consumer protection
  3. Cutting edge science, discovery and teaching
  4. Protecting public health and animal health by officially controlling diseases relevant to public health and animal health (One Health) and protecting animal welfare. Protection from fraudulent activities
  5. Facilitating economic growth (small & large businesses) through sustainable farm/ food production, trade (certification) of animals and Products of Animal Origin (POAO)
  6. Preserving diverse production (rare breeds, traditional food production)
  7. Communicating important messages to interested parties: public and animal keepers (food producing and companion), industry (agri-food and others), politicians, civil servants, other scientists/ professions (lawyers, economists, medics, animal scientists, environmentalists, microbiologists, statisticians etc.)